Yet another Osprey the third in just over two weeks in this area. This particular bird was moving on a line west to east and high well out of the way of any mobbing crows. It eventually flew out of sight over Windy Harbour above Horncliffe so may have passed over Cowpe or Bacup providing it held its line of flight. Seen at 15:40 hrs.
Riverside into Irwell Vale. 1 Swallow over Ewood Bridge , c4 Willow Warbler in song, 1 Chiffchaff in song, Kingfisher on the river, Grey Heron flew over and 1pr Grey Wagtail on river.
Pr Jay at Irwell Vale and 3 nests at Ravenshore rookery. Little of note on the sewage works.
Hi Bob, As discussed earlier I've been away for the week and so missed what appears to have been an exceptional passage of Ospreys for us. I went down to E.B.S.W this afternoon having read what was seen over the last week or so but alas no luck! Birds noted however were as follows: Nuthatch, 1 singing. Shelduck, Pair, Blackcap, 3 singing, Chiffchaff, 3 singing, Willow warbler, 2 singing, Fieldfare, c20 (seemed strange in an almost summer sun!) Coal Tit, 1, L.T.Tit, 1. Also report of a Ring Ouzel on Holcombe Head last night ( via Brian Kirkland). Regards, David.
i remember seeing a bird perched in the trees of holden wood as i was drivig past from blackburn side about 7.45pm - it seemed an osprey coloured and sized bird - brown upper body and white underside were visible - it could have been a cormorant - i did not have time at all to check myself and i doubt it could have been an osprey - i guess at ths time of year we get suprises and its better to express any question marks.