Just for anyone whom may be interested, there must have been a large passage through Britain. and here is a transcript of the message from Hans (Scandanavian radar operator) via Josef (vismig at Kingussie Scotland)
A short translation from Hans message, see underneath.
Mostly about yesterday.
There was quite a lot of migratiaon before the rain front to the NE. On the scale 1 to 8 there was a 7 especially, in the SE of Holland North Belgium and the Ardennes. After the rainfront passed by, a lot of migration from England in the middle and North of Holland but very high, impossible to see fronm the ground because they were flying 8000 to 12000 ft high!!! They were flying on a very high speed 40m/sec or 150 km/h or 100 miles/h. A day earlier they were even flying on 50m/sec, even Hans had never seen that before, although it happen on 3000 meter altitude.
Jozef Leestmans B&B Gowdenstane Newtonmore road Kingussie PH21 1HE