Neil Burke has drawn my attention to a message on the Greater Manchester Bird Forum pointing out that there is an active group of egg-thieves operating from the Heywood area and that they trawl forums such as these to get clues as to the location of nests birds of prey etc.
When posting on the Forum please omit any mention of sensitive species that may be targeted by these people. Example species would be Long-eared and Short-eared Owl, Peregrine, Merlin, Little Ringed Plover, Raven and Twite, but please think twice before posting breeding records of any species that may be of interest to eggers.
It's a shame we have to suppress such information from the forum but these people could seriously jeopardise some of the species we have locally.
Please send any such breeding records directly to me either by private message on this forum or via email - jimormerod [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk .
I've been asked to remind users to be very careful when posting information about more sensitive species in the nesting season. Not all readers of these messages are "good guys" and they can often use information from this site and others to target species for egg collecting etc.
I've edited a recent post to remove reference to several sensitive waders.