Friday September 10th 2010 Shore Road, Carnforth, Lancs. 0930hrs-1130hrs Wind: W 12-15mph gust to 25mph Heavy persistent intermittant rain showers, holding some stuff down.
Most movement today South, although some Swallows again went North East. A definate increase in Pied Wagtail movement mainly South.
Swallow: 140 (76 East, all others S, biggest party 50) House Martin: 53 (20 East, all others S big party 20) Meadow Pipit: 8 (2,2,2,2) Goldfinch:3 (2E,1W) Linnet 2W Pied Wagtail: 34 (one party 7 all others singles or pairs 4W all others S)
Starling party toing and froing from Stock Car track probably today in the 200 plus. Lapwings today in the 50 plus
Little Egret: 1 Local to estuary Curlew: 1 Local to estuary Whimbrel: heard calling from estuary