08:15-11:15 Cormorant, 4 flew east towards AMR and a single on Calf Hey, Grey Heron, 1 on Calf Hey, Canada Goose, 12 on Holden Wood Res, Pink Footed Goose, a skein of c240 over west, Mallard, 119 on Calf Hey and 8 on Holden Wood, Wigeon, male on Holden Wood Res, Teal, 11 on Calf Hey, Sparrowhawk, 2 singles, Kestrel, single and two together, Red Grouse, 1 flushed on the tops, Golden Plover, single on tops + 5 flew over Heap Clough, B.H.Gull, c40 on res's, Collared Dove, pair at Duke of Wellington, Wood Pigeon, c40 in small flocks, G.S.Woodpecker, c5 singles and 1x2, Skylark, 2 singles, Swallow, flock of 4 south, Grey Wagtail, 2, Pied Wagtail, 4, Meadow Pipit, c30 generally south, Redwing, c140 in small flocks, generally west but flock of 12 east, Mistle Thrush, 4, Starling, c400 north west in flocks up to 50, L.T.Tit, 2 flocks, Jay, 1, Chaff, Green and Goldfinch, c12 of each, Bullfinch, calling from cover, Redpoll, 2 singles, Siskin, 3 singles, Reed Bunting, 2 at Holden Wood Res. Regards, David Nuttall