I really dont know where there coming from quoting wind speeds of 20mph during this period, when at best it was only 3mph. It never got going and the few birds that where around almost dried up by 0900hrs. Became hardly any wind and blue skies and warm!
Meadow Pipit: 121 (best parties 10s)
Chaffinch: 105 W or E (best parties 6s)
Goldfinch: 63 (all S or SW) (best parties: 15,15,10)
20-30+wind, gusting even more up here made netting really difficult.
Had not noticed any Greenfinch till i put lure on and they decended from nowhere, ended up with several parties coming in from high up, 60+prob more.( caught 25, would have had lots more if calm). Obviously missing them, prob due to wind noise.