Excellent trip to this site on Sunday 27th Nov 2011 with R Archer.. With the big 10mtr tides last weekend covering most of the marsh area it was ideal conditions to see lots of waders/wildfowl/raptors pushed closer in. It didn`t dissapoint..
After going to the site for the last 3 Sundays, lots of the birds are usually quite distant making a telescope essential for good views. But this weekends tides pushed the birds right in close giving superb views even through binoculars.
Best of the Birds seen this Sunday and the previous 3 Sundays include:- up to 4 Marsh Harrier, 1 Hen Harrier, 4+ Peregrine, 2+ Merlin, S E Owl, 1000`s Pink Footed Goose, White Fronted Goose, Barnacle Goose, 1 Green Winged Teal, 15,000+ Wigeon, 100`S Pintail, 100`S Teal, lots of Shoveler, Gadwall, Shelduck, 100`s Black Tailed Godwit, 1000`S Oystercatcher, 100`s of Dunlin, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Ruff, up to 20 Little Egrets, 1 Great White Egret, 3+ Rock Pipits, up to 2 Lapland Buntings, plus all the commener stuff..
If anybody reading this hasn`t been there before it is very easy to find, pretty local and only take 45 mins to get there. Directions - M65 to the very end, follow signs for Southport eventually reaching A59 Southport, then A565 towards S/Port. When you get to Banks roundabout take the "MARINE DRIVE" coastal road. Whilst trying not to crash watching all the birds either side of the road, keep going until you reach the first car park on the right. Park there and most birds are on the flooded fields opposite side of the road or the saltmarsh, seaward side.
Next 10mtr tides are Christmas and Boxing Day, but its been excellent every time even without the big tides.
Trip here again today, Sun 4th Dec 2011, with Rob Archer.
Birding spoilt a bit today by heavy sleet showers and very strong, cold NW wind.
Birds seen:- Marsh Harrier, 3+ Merlin, Peregrine, S E Owl (very close), lots of P F Geese, Pintail, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler etc, 1000`s Lapwings, c10 Little Egrets.
-- Edited by C Bel on Sunday 4th of December 2011 07:05:12 PM
Tues 27th looks good. Just below 10mt tide and decent forecast, dry and light winds( prob change by them tho!).I`ll probably be there, cant manage Chrimbo day/boxing day with kids etc.
Trip to Marshside Tues 27th Dec. with R Archer, J Smith.
Big`ish tide pushed most birds onto marsh giving superb views again in great light conditions.
Usual birds seen, best of being 1000`s of wigeon/Pink Feet and big numbers of most other wildfowl, lots of Black tailed Godwits, Oyks, Golden Plover, redshank etc.
3 Marsh Harriers (2 imm, 1 2cy Male), 2 Merlin, Peregrine, 20+ Little Egrets, 1 Great White Egret, c30 White Fronted Geese.
Excellent trip again to what is surely the best local winter birding site.
Calm but misty conditions to start lifting a bit late morning not good for distance viewing but still lots to see close by. Bit quieter than last few trips but :-
Still 1000`s of Pink Feet, 2 White Fronted and 1 Barnacle Geese. 8+ L Egrets, 100`s Wigeon and Teal. 150 Blk Tailed Godwits. The usual Peregrines, Merlins and Buzzard. No Marsh Harriers at all, apparently they have moved to M Mere. Excellent Male Hen Harrier straight through North over marsh.
1 S E Owl by roadside and the 2nd ever "reserve" record of a Long Eared Owl perched and flushed from road side willow after hearing it call when a Fem Sparrowhawk had crashed into the tree chasing a Song Thrush which obviously upset it!!
Mentioned the Owl to the Warden and 2 locals and i couldn`t believe there reaction. I think they thought i said a Snowy Owl by the way they rushed off to see it.
Had 2hrs down at Birkdale trying to see any of the 2 Glaucous Gulls which have been present since early December, but typically they had not been seen since Fri 10th !
Decent days birding at Marshside today. Big tide pushed birds up close!
1 Great White Egret, lots of Little Egrets, 20,000+ Wigeon, 100's Teal, Pintail etc. 2 Peregrine, 2 Merlin, Buzzard, 3+ WaterPipits, 1000's of Waders. Male Hen Harrier, juv Marsh Harrier, Short Eared Owl.