Visible Migration - 31st October 2012 - Slape Ln, Burton In Kendal, Cumbria.
0730hrs to 0845hours
Wind: South 15-20mph
Movement: West unless stated otherwise.
Not much doing again today, rain on and off and strong winds. Thrushes (90%) Fieldfares of around the 500 mark where he there and everywhere in the Burton/Vicarage Lane and Slape Lane Areas, taking rest and feeding up on the numerous hawthorn berries. You would see them all the time leaving, coming back, moving from tree to tree etc etc etc. This is how its been now for a couple of days, but certainly a increase in numbers today.
Fieldfare: 48 (these came in from the West but went down and joined the rest on approach)
Redwing: 1W
Starling: (Roost cleared at 0715hours) then, 65S (15,50)