Elton's done it again, not John but the reservoir - a bird i thought I would never see, a Little Bittern. A cracking bird. Last week there were White Winged Black Terns and a Black tern and now this! I was not happy I missed the Terns but I am glad I caught up with something at Elton. I was in the Southport area today and stopped of at Marshside when someone mentioned it to me. Today I added four new species to the year list- Spotted Flycatcher and Curlew Sandpiper at Marshside and Common Scoter and Little Bittern at Elton.
As we were in Norfolk when the Little Bittern was found we thought we had missed the chance of seeing it, but luckily the bird hung on and we saw it on Monday evening. A hard bird to get "on" but worth the effort.
Dave Ousey.
That is good - must be annoying when you are half way across the country getting ticks yet one turns up more or less on your doorstep! What a bird to see!