An almost full compliment of A-Teamers (communication/time zone problems?) left Rochdale at the later time of 7am for a day out in North Lancashire. First stop Conder Green with myself driving in my new car. The hoped for Spotted Redshank that is always reported could not be found anywhere. Lots of Common Sandpipers and Redshanks though, with the air full of hirundines. Nice place to visit but lots of hiding places for waders during low tide. A call in at Aldcliffe Marsh was a little disapointing as the bushes etc obscured any decent viewing of the pools. At Foulshaw Moss the weather really improved and hope of seeing White Faced Darters on the pools also.Great long distance scope views of 2 young Osprey flapping their wings whilst an adult was seen flying around. A hunting Hobby was seen, but the hoped for darters were not seen despite much searching. On the Leighton Moss, Allen and Morecambe pools, a Ruff was seen in a really untidy plummage along with Redshanks and Black tailed Godwits, but again the hoped for Spotted Redshank was not located. Time for some butterflies up on Arnside Knott. As I searched for my first Treecreeper of the year(still not seen one), Steve B said, I know a place were the butterflies will be. So after a trek through the undergrowth we managed to find a single Northern Brown Argus and about 10 Scotch Argus, really nice to see these species in a quiet area. Meadow Brown, Ringlet and Grayling were also seen with other more common species! Heading towards home we made our way over the Cross of Greet road hoping for Ring Ouzel, but the Tour de France passed through last week and probably scared them all away! Great event though. Time was against us but, a dash up Croasdale(only 40 minutes Steve) and after Bob and Chris had seen a Ring Ouzel fly out, myself and Steve B had to slog our way to a gully to see another or the same Ring Ouzel,sorry for blocking you view Steve! It made it all worth it and great countryside to be in. We reached home around 6-30pm.