Thursday October 9th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Burton In Kendal, Cumbria. from 0800hrs to 1130hrs and again from 1200hrs to 1445hrs. (total = 6hrs 15mins) All movement South South East unless specified. Wind very strong today at SSE 15mph increasing to 25 mph. Best Chaffinch movement yet. I would have had lots more but did'nt get on the line until 1000hrs and then had to finish for 30 mins at lunch and finish early at 1445 because of heavy rain. Birds going through during heavy rain periods at times. Because of strong winds birds deviated from the norm routing by first deviating to the west side to use the shelter (wind break) against banking and this then created a funnelled line and also allowed them to get lift to head over back SSE and over the Dalton Hall area. Birds still dribbling through on leaving.
Chaffinch: 1310 (best parties: 1x34,1x31,2x30,1x22.1x21.5x20,1x18,5x16,3x15,2x14,4x13,4x12,9x10. (695 birds 0800hrs to 1130hrs and 615 birds 1200hrs to 1445hrs) More birds per ratio in afternoon. Meadow Pipit: 7 Goldfinch: 57 (best parties: 30,14) Alba Wagtail: 13 Skylark: 21 (1,3,17) Greenfinch: 6 Linnet: 6 Swallow: 20 (7,7,4,1,2) Song Thrush: 4 Mistle Thrush: 2 Woodpigeon: 68 Pink Footed Goose: 14 (plus missed a party as well)
Lots of Dunnocks in hedgerows and also heard a Goldcrest. Please click on my link below if you want to check out the sketch showing a map of how the Chaffinch crossed over etc.