Saturday October 18th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Burton In Kendal, Cumbria (Track Vic Lane to Dalton Offices) from 0730hrs to 1130hrs. Wind: South 15-33mph, 15c, 98% Cloud cover, 5700m vis, 1000mb pressure.
All passerine movement to the South unless stated otherwise. All Redwings either W or SW. Good Alba numbers today mainly in singles but also the odd quartet. Chaffinch still going through strong on leaving watch at 1130hrs. (Flight Study notes to follow on blog)
Chaffinch: 1022 S Redpoll: 4 (one party) Greenfinch: 1 Goldfinch: 20 (one party) Linnet: 2 Alba Wagtail: 27 Redwing: 153 all W or SW (best party: 20) Blackbird: 3 Starling: 5 Pink Footed Goose: 9SE One skein Goosander: 1 Woodpigeon: 133