1 Buzzard over Reedsholme mobbed by 3 crows.
pr Long -taied Tit at Holland Ave.
c21 flock of Goldfinch at Waingate.
Hurst lane.
Pr Bullfinch
flock of c20 Redwing
1 Blackbird
1 Chaffinch
1 Long-tailed Tit
2 B.H.Gull
1 Goldfinch
c10 mixed Grt & Blue tit.
1 Mistle Thrush
Song thrush singing at Constablelee.
Chapel Hill
Flock of c50 Starling
3 Stock Dove
1 Buzzard
10 Wood Pigeon
1 Goldcrest in larches.
8+ Magpie
Bonfire Hill
Flock of c80 Starling
1 Fieldfare
c6 Redwing
3 Goldfinch
3 Chaffinch
2 Reed Bunting
Shortclough res.
1 Heron
3 Mallard
c20 flock of Redwing
c10 Wood Pigeon
1 Mistle Thrush.
Redwing and starling flocks starting to make their way back north ties in nicely with Pink foot movements today.