G.C.Grebe, 2 on the res,
Cormorant, at least 16 on the res; the most I've seen here,
Mallard, 3,
Goosander, 2 males & 4 Redheads,
B.H.Gull, c20 around the res,
Common Gull, 1 on the platoon,
Herring Gull, 2 over,
L.B.B.Gull, 2 over,
G.B.B.Gull, 1 immature on res,
Skylark, 1 calling,
Rook, 5,
Chaffinch, c8 singing males,
Greenfinch, 1 singing male,
Goldfinch, 2,
Siskin, 2 through south,
Reed Bunting, 2 males.
David Nuttall.