Reedsholme - 11am start
1 Song Thrush singing
1 G.S.W.
1 Collared Dove
3 Chaffinch
2 Starling
4+ House Sparrow
c25 Rook at rookery
1 G.S.W. drumming
12 Wood Pigeon
Cribden Lane
1 Starling
1 Grey Heron - Pinner Lodge
Pr Pied Wagtail
1 Blue Tit
10 Wood Pigeon
c40 mixed Rook,Jackdaw, C,Crow
2 Stock Dove
1 Great Tit
2 Robin
1 Curlew over
Laund Hey/Cribden Hill
14 Lapwing + 2pr on territory
Flock of 6+ Starling
3 Skylark in song
1 Meadow Pipit
1 Snipe
Gull Passage to S. over Top of Slate mostly L.B.B. and Herring gulls 60 + in 10 minutes but heard constantly whilst in the area.
Oakenhead rd
1 kestrel
Distant Buzzard over Edenfield
2 Buzzard over Chapel Hill + 1 over Reedsholme later
1 Jay at Cribden Clough
1 Nuthatch calling at Leabrook