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Post Info TOPIC: Grane, 13th March 2016

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Posts: 1602
Grane, 13th March 2016


G.C.Grebe, 4 on Holden Wood,

Little Grebe, 1 on Troy,

Cormorant, min 4 on Holden Wood & 4 on Ogden,

Canada Goose, c100 with many pairs formed and disputes for territory,

Mallard, c12,

Teal, pair on Calf Hey,

Tufted Duck, 2 males & 1 female on Troy,

Goldeneye, 2 females on Jamestone,

Buzzard, single at top end of valley,

Kestrel, 1 in Heap Clough,

Coot, pair on Holden Wood,

Jack Snipe, single on the tops,

Snipe, single on the tops,

Lapwing, c5 pairs, in display, at Holden Wood,

Oystercatcher, pairs at Holden Wood, Calf Hey & Jamestone may have involved the same birds,

B.H.Gull, c20 in Jamestones and c12 on Holden Wood,

Herring Gull, flock of 14 over calling,

L.B.B.Gull, 2 over,

Stock Dove, 1 at Holden Wood, 2 at Clough Head & 6 in Troy,

Wood Pigeon, c30,

G.S.Woodpecker, single at Calf Hey,

Nuthatch, calling birds at Heap Clough & Calf Hey,

Skylark, c12 on the tops, many in song,

Pied Wagtail, 2,

Grey Wagtail, pairs at Ogden & Heap Clough,

Song Thrush, c4 singing birds,

Mistle Thrush, pair at Calf Hey,

Fielfare, 3 at Clough Head,

L.T.Tit, 2 pairs,

Coal Tit, c4 singing birds,

Raven, single over 3 times,

Chaffinch, c12, many in song,

Goldfinch, c6,

Bullfinch, pair in Troy Clough,

Redpoll, pair over,

Siskin, 2 pair over,


David Nuttall.



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Posts: 622

Hi David

Looks like Troy was fit to burst with sightings

Glad you put the Little Grebe on, I was up there Monday saw it for one second then went into hiding I was not sure so did not put it on


Cheers Craggy



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Posts: 2100

Hi Dave/ Russell

I was up at Grane today and can add the following

  • great crested grebe - there was another bird on Ogden in the morning. This bird was still in winter plumage and was on Holden Wood in the afternoon.  The other 4 birds on Holden Wood appeared to be 2 pairs, with both pairs in courtship. 
  • cormorant - at 9am there were 14 on Holden Wood & 4 on Ogden.  When I revisited Holden Wood at 3:50 pm there were 45 in the trees at Holden Wood, which must be a site record.  More birds probably arrived after I left.
  • teal - 11 on Calf Hey
  • kestrel - 2 at Jamestones Quarry
  • coot - 4 on Holden Wood
  • curlew - calling bird at Holden Wood
  • woodcock - 1 at Calf Hey
  • redshank - 1 at Ogden
  • lapwing - 18 at Holden Wood in the afternoon
  • oystercatcher - 1pr in Jamestones Quarry, were probably the same birds seen at Holden Wood, but were joined by a third bird at Holden Wood, which they promptly chased off
  • stock dove - flock of 7 in field across the road from the Duke of Wellington
  • woodpigeon - flock of 49 at Ogden
  • robin - min 10 at Calf Hey
  • stonechat - 2 males & a female in the field behind the sand martin colony at Jamestones Quarry
  • fieldfare - c20 at Ogden
  • redwing c10 at Ogden
  • treecreeper - 1 very vocal bird at Calf Hey.  Unusually for a treecreeper, the bird flew onto a twig and perched briefly, before flying onto a tree trunk and creeping up the tree
  • goldcrest - 1 singing at Ogden & 4 singing at Calf Hey
  • wren - very vocal today. At least 15 heard around Calf Hey
  • jackdaw - 2 birds seen fighting near the small industrial estate on Grane Road.  3 pairs were on chimney pots.  Two birds, presumably males, flew at each other and locked feet, tumbling towards the road, before breaking off and flying back to their respective chimneys. I have never seen jackdaws show aggression to each other like this before
  • carrion crow - flock of 20 on Haslingden Moor
  • starling - flocks of 9 and 5 at Holden Wood & 3 at Ogden
  • house sparrow - 5 in bushes near the Holden Arms
  • reed bunting - 5 at Holden Wood

cheers Kevin

-- Edited by KEVIN LISTER on Sunday 13th of March 2016 08:17:08 PM

-- Edited by KEVIN LISTER on Sunday 13th of March 2016 08:17:52 PM

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