08:45 start, tops fogged out.
3 Starling + pr Greenfinch, usual tit sp. + Dunnnock, Wren, Robin, House Sparrow, Chaffinch - Gincroft lane
6+ Skylark some singing,4 Meadow Pipit, 2 Curlew + pr Reed Bunting on the way up to Foe Edge.
Raven heard through the mist
3 Canada Goose flew onto Scout Moor res.
3 Skylark singing - Top of Lench
Flock of 6 Fieldfare in Cragg quarry
9 Cormorant + 2 Canada Goose on Cowpe res.
8 L.B.B. Gull > S. over the quarry.
Pr Stonechat + 2 Starling at Black Hill.
2 Lapwing on the slope of Cowpe Lowe.
1 Wren on wall alongside the quarry road at the foot of Cowpe Lowe - not a tree or bush within 1/2 mile.
Sand Beds lane
Pr Reed Bunting
3 Meadow Pipit - none displaying.
Min. 11 Skylark along the length of the lane - mostly singing birds.
Pr Stonechat
3pr Lapwing on pasture at Sand Beds ruin.
1 Jay in hawthorn nr underground res.
2 Grey Wagtail
c6 Pied Wagtail
usual BHG & Jackdaw & Crow.
1 Buzzard
1 Grey Wagtail
Bob & Archie.