Not so much about this afternoon amongst the hail showers but birds appearing between breaks in weather.
1 Chiffchaff at Cow Lane
1 Willow Warbler and 1 Chiffchaff at Duckworth Hall, Townsendfold then
c12 Swallow + c5 House Martin feeding over river nearby, surprisingly no sandies.
Also Song Thrush, 3 pr Goldfinch and Coal Tit calling or singing.
Pr Dipper on river + 1 Grey Wagtail
Clewes area, species present
2 singing Willow Warblers
2 Song Thrush
Dunnock singing
Robin singing
4m Blackbirds
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Chaffinch, 3 in song
Long - tailed Tit
Chiffchaff singing
Goldcrest singing
Goldfinch singing
B.H.Gull on lodge banking
Carrion Crow
Pr B.H.Gull in Rawtenstall earlier + 1 Heron on river.
Flock of 22 Golden Plover flighting and calling at Greenfold tonight + 1 Snipe, but little else.