great tit - pr feeding young in nest in hole in wall
long tailed tit - 1
greenfinch - 1 calling
redpoll - 1 calling
Cowpe Village
starling - 5
house sparrow - 30 - 40 birds, all adults
Kearn's Lodge
Canada goose - 1pr with 5? goslings in cover
swallow - 2
house martin - 2
willow warbler - 1
Cowpe Res
Canada goose - 1pr with 4 goslings. 9 others flew off the res
curlew - 1 pr in muck spread field below the dam wall
kestrel - 1 male
lesser black backed gull - 174 in field near the res. Up to 50 at a time coming to bathe and drink at the res. More birds higher up at Brandwood Moor. Probably c300 birds present in total
herring gull - at least 1 in with the lesser black backs
meadow pipit - 6
pied wagtail - 1
grey wagtail - 1pr
dipper - 1
stonechat - 1 male
linnet - 1pr
reed bunting - 2 males round the res & 2 on the hillside
Cragg Quarry
Canada Goose - 1pr in quarry & 2pr at Cragg High Level Tank, 1pr of which had 1 small gosling