Sunday 2nd October 2016 - Off Vicarage Ln (SD5410576859) Burton In Kendal 0715hrs to 1100hrs.
Wind: 6-8mph NNE, 5c, 1% Cloud, 19600m vis, 1016mb pressure. All movement SE unless specified. 0800hrs severe drop in movement then small but regular after 0930hrs until close. Birds still trickling through on leaving. Informed large Redwing arrivals with 50 parties approx coming through over Bradford very high to WNW but could not get on these.
Chaffinch: 528 (23W all others SE) Best parties: 60,35,12,11
Goldfinch: 22 (7,5,5,5)
Swallow: 24 (1,25,3,1,2,4,2,1,1,2)
Linnet: 4 (2,2)
Redpoll: 2 (1,1)
Redwing: 9 SE (one party 0730hrs)
Mistle Thrush: 2
Song Thrush: 2W
Lapwing: 15 (one party)
Red Admiral: 3 (1,1,1,)
No Meadow Pipits, but the strange thing is if I was only half a mile away on the East side of Hutton Roof example Whinn Yeates then I would probably have a hundred or two. Check yesterday afternoon late posting below.
Saturday 1st October 2016 - Whinn Yeates, Clawthorpe Road, Apex of road just before Whinn Yeats (GPS: SD5507678996) 1400hrs to 1530hrs
Wind East 6-8mph
Meadow Pipit: 112 all SE as though coming out of Lakes and heading towards Ingleborough direction, still trickling through on leaving. Best parties: 7,2x6,2x5