Tuesday 11th October 2016 - Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal SD541576959 0715-1000hrs
Wind: ENE 9-22mph, 7c, 20% cloud cover, 18900m vis, 1027mb pressure. All movement SE unless specified. Good early move of Redwing which went off the boil from 0900hrs onwards. Some birds went South and the majority went West or North West. Not sure what was going on, but most birds did go straight through with only a small amount who could not resist the offerings of Hutton Roof. The birds like the past two days have clung to the west flanks of HR but some also were far more noticeable further West as though giving the impression they had come in from the South.
Chaffinch: 332 (10W all others SE) best: 15,2x10 several 9s and 8s majority 2 or 3s.
Goldfinch: 10 (6,4)
Lesser Redpoll: 1
Alba Wagtail: 2 (1,1)
Redwing: 1602 (1252 W or NW and 340 S)
Starling: 33E (presumed from local roost)
Pink Footed Goose: 14 (3S at 0800hrs and 11W at 1000hrs)