moorhen - 1 at Kearn's Lodge (even though it has been drained)
golden plover - flock of 20 over Cragg Quarry
snipe - 4 on Cowpe Moss
little owl - 1 near Cowpe Res & 1 at the head of the Lench Valley
kingfisher - 1 at Hugh Mill
meadow pipit - 1 in Cragg Quarry
pied wagtail - 5 at Cowpe Res
grey wagtail - 1 at Lench
redwing - 9 over Cragg Quarry & c20 at Lench
fieldfare - c30 at Lench
mistle thrush - 2 at Lench
song thrush - 1 at Lench
goldcrest - 1 at Hugh Mill
long tailed tit - 5 at Hugh Mill
starling c180 off Rooley Moor Road
rook - 5 off Rooley Moor Road
carrion crow - c120 off Rooley Moor Road
jackdaw - c100 off Rooley Moor Road
siskin - 3 at Lench
c600 gulls were also feeding near Rooley Moor Road and flying to the res or Cragg Tank. Difficult to count the individual species, but all 5 of the commoner species were present