07:40 hrs
Min 13 Cormorant
1 G.C.Grebe
10+ Mallard
1f Scaup - still present!
1 Oystercatcher flew through.
1 Common Sandpiper
c60 B.H.Gull
c4 Common Gull
c2 Herring Gull
2 Skylark singing
1 Grey Wagtail singing
1 Pied Wagtail
2 Blackbird
Pr Goldcrest
c4 Goldfinch
20+ Redpoll, all over the car park lots of chasing and pairing.
4 Reed Bunting - calling singles
13:45 hrs
Green Woodpecker & G.S.W in Brookes wood + Grey Wagtail on river.
Kestrel nr Shortclough + 1 later at Greenfold
3 Snipe + 1 Reed Bunting on Swinshaw Moor
c70 mixed Rook and Jackdaw at Bonfire Hill + 1 Skylark & 17 Starling.
1 Wren in rushes
Pr Stonechat
Min. 1pr Lapwing + 2 singles on territories
27 Wood Pigeon
c40 Fieldfare with c20 Starling on pasture.
9 Rook + 1 nest at Goodshaw Chapel, poss. new rookery, no sign of any activety at Crawshawbooth.
Significantly no buzzards seen, after watching 3 birds yesterday over Heightside Lane.