Poor conditions with heavy drizzle, blustery wind and then low visibility of approx. 50 yds.
G.C.Grebe, 2 fishing the res,
Canada Goose, 2 over res,
Mallard, 2 drakes on res and 4 drakes on Limy,
Scaup, female diving in North Bay,
Lapwing, single bird over, high, flying north,
Skylark, one braving the conditions sang very briefly!
Meadow Pipit, 2 in North Bay and 1 near boat house,
Pied Wagtail, pair,
Grey Wagtail, single,
Dunnock, 1 in song,
Redpoll, 1 singing near car park,
Goldfinch, 2 in car park,
Greenfinch, 1 in car park,
Chaffinch, c4 in song.
David Nuttall.