Yes us too! All trapping is done from the garden but I would like to use it elsewhere but it's quite a cumbersome thing. It can run from a large portable AH battery or mains voltage (no choke) We would like to take it camping with us but I don't thing there is room!
Hopefully will get plenty of opportunity to use it.
Thanks for the complement. Hope to get a bit better pictures as we fine tune the setup. Regarding species amount....don't know as we have not kept count as yet. We seem to have enough to do with catching, photographing and ID'ing to keep us busy as I am sure you know. One thing we are grateful of is that we are not catching huge amounts so as not to make the job overwhelming. Looking at the trap I have noted a lot can get out. At some point I may alter this but at present we are happy to sacrifice numbers and species to keep it manageable. When I read about some traps having 400 moths in with 50 species I gulp! If I did not work it would be OK....retirement is to far away!
Is it getting easier? enjoying the learning curve. Finding some very helpful people and info on Twitter, very useful. The UK moths website is also vary good. A few books also very helpful although it's hard work on where to start in the book to find your moth. Looking to get the 2nd addition of Manley's photo ID
Have you kept records of how many you have seen or captured? Did you say you have a trap?
Anyway a few more
30th July
Copper Underwing (can't tell if it's the now split Svenssons)
Bird Cherry Ermine
-- Edited by Ste Rush on Sunday 30th of July 2017 01:52:39 PM
Another superb set of photos. The head on shot of the copper underwing is amazing. I don't have a moth trap, so therefore don't have a list. Keep the records and photos coming