Canada goose 80 at Holden Wood, 4 pr on Ogden, 7 at Calf Hey, 12 at Jamestone Quarry & 2 pr at Troy Quarry
Teal 1 pr at Holden Wood
Mallard 10 at Holden Wood, 1pr at Ogden, 1m at Calf Hey, 2m at Jamestone Quarry & 2m at Troy Quarry
Tufted duck 2m & 1f at Holden Wood
Goldeneye 1pr in Jamestone Quarry
Pheasant calling birds at Holden Wood, Calf Hey & Heap Clough
Cormorant 5 at Holden Wood
Grey heron 1flying between the 3 reservoirs
Great crested grebe 2 at Holden Wood & 1 at Calf Hey
Buzzard 1 over Calf Hey & 1 over Thirteen Stone Hill
Kestrel 1 at Jamestone Quarry
Coot 1 at Holden Wood
Oystercatcher 1 pr at Holden Wood, 1 pr at Ogden and 2 prs in Jamestone Quarry
Lapwing c25 at Holden Wood
Curlew 1 calling near Ogden
Black-headed gull 4 at Holden Wood, 1 at Ogden & 1 at Jamestone Quarry
Lesser-black backed gull 3 flying east
Stock dove 1 at Calf Hey, 4 at Jamestone Quarry & 2 near Troy Quarry
Woodpigeon flock of 16 at Calf Hey plus several other pairs and small groups around the valley
Collared dove 1 across the road from The Holden Arms
Tawny owl 1 flew through the woods at Calf Hey at 12:45hrs! Didnt see anything disturb it from its roosting place
Great spotted woodpecker 2 at Calf Hey & 2 at Heap Clough
Magpie small numbers around the valley
Jackdaw flock of c30 across the road from Holden Wood
Carrion crow - small numbers around the valley. Sitting bird at Holden Wood
Raven 1 over Ogden
Goldcrest 3 singing at Calf Hey & 2 singing at Heap Clough
Blue tit - 1pr at Holden Wood & 2 at Calf Hey
Great tit 1pr & a singing bird at Calf Hey
Coal tit 6 singing at Calf Hey & 2 at Heap Clough
Skylark constant song heard from the tops
Sand martin 3 at Jamestone Quarry
Swallow singles at Holden Wood & Jamestone Quarry (singles also at Rawtenstall & Waterfoot today)
Long-tailed tit prs at Holden Wood & Calf Hey
Chiffchaff singing bird at Calf Hey
Willow warbler 2 at Holden Wood, 1 at Calf Hey & 1 at Heap Clough
Blackcap 1 singing at Holden Vale
Nuthatch 2 near the bird hide at Calf Hey & 1 at the other side of the res
Treecreeper 2 singles & a pair at Calf Hey
Wren 8 at Holden Wood, 2 at Ogden & 21 at Calf Hey
Starling 1 at Holden Wood
Blackbird 1 at Holden Wood & 4 at Calf Hey
Fieldfare 2 at Ogden
Song thrush 1pr & a single at Calf Hey
Mistle thrush 1pr at Ogden & a single at Calf Hey
Robin 11 at Calf Hey
Stonechat 1pr at Ogden
Wheatear 2m at Ogden & 2m & 1f at the ruins above Heap Clough/ Jamestone Quarry
Dunnock 1 pr & a single at Holden Wood
House sparrow c10 near The Holden Arms & c20 at the farm across the road from The Duke of Wellington
Grey wagtail singles at Holden Wood & Calf Hey
Pied wagtail 4 at Holden Wood, 2 at Ogden & 3 at Jamestone Quarry
Meadow pipit c50 around the valley
Chaffinch 16 at Calf Hey,. Small numbers elsewhere
Greenfinch 2 at Calf Hey
Goldfinch 10 at Calf Hey. Small numbers elsewhere
Siskin min 6 at Calf Hey (possibly three times this figure)
Linnet calling bird over Holden Wood
Lesser redpoll calling bird heard twice at Calf Hey
Bullfinch 2 calling birds at two different areas at Calf Hey
Reed bunting 3 at Holden Wood, 3 at Ogden & 1 at Calf Hey. All singing males
cheers Kevin