Three teams of two took place in this year's summer bird race with a grand total of 77 species seen.
Individual team scores were as follows:
Team A. 72 species (John & Kevin)
Team B. 66 species (Brian & Ian)
Team C. 64 species (Bob & David)
The undoubted highlight was a summer plumaged Sanderling at Clowbridge and other species seen included;
Goosander, along The Irwell,
Dabchick, HTL,
Coot, 2 on HTL,
Redshank, 1 on Calf Hey was the first on a bird race for years,
Tawny Owl, 1,
Green Woodpecker, 1 in Grane,
Raven, family party of 3+
Sand Martin, 2 colonies,
Swift, c40 at Clowbridge,
Whitethroat, 1 at Ewood Bridge,
Nuthatch, 1 feeding young,
ROC Summer Birders