G.C.Grebe, 3 on Ogden & 1 on Calf Hey,
Cormorant, 5 on Holden Wood & 1 on Ogden,
Grey Heron, 3,
Canada Goose, c50 at Holden Wood,
Mallard, c6,
Buzzard, 3 perched birds (2&1) and a pair soaring over the valley,
Kestrel, 2 near Calf Hey,
Moorhen, 1 on Holden Wood,
Common Sandpiper, 2 on Holden Wood,
Lapwing, c6 at Holden Wood,
Oystercatcher, 4 at Holden Wood & 2 at Calf Hey could have involved the same birds,
B.H.Gull, c6 at Holden Wood,
L.B.B.Gull, c12 soaring over valley,
Wood Pigeon, c40 especially in whinberry along side Ogden / Calf Hey,
Stock Dove, 2 singles,
Collared Dove, 2,
Swift, c12 feeding high,
Green Woodpecker, 3 yaffling birds,
G.S.Woodpecker, 1 in dead tree at Calf Hey,
Swallow, c30,
Sand Martin, c20,
Meadow Pipit, c40 especially Holden Wood,
Grey Wagtail, 2 at Holden Wood,
Stonechat, male & 2 juvs,
Mistle Thrush, family party of 6,
Song Thrush, 2,
Willow Warbler, c6, feeding in bushes, occasionally calling,
Coal Tit, c12,
Goldcrest, c3,
Nuthatch, 2 inc juv,
Treecreeper, 2 inc juv,
Jay, 1 at the bottom of Heap Clough,
Starling, flock of c50 at bottom of Heap Clough,
Goldfinch, c12, inc many juvs,
Chaffinch, c20, inc many juvs,
Greenfinch, 1,
Linnet, 2 at Ogden,
Reed Bunting, c10 at Holden Wood inc many juvs.
David Nuttall.
Hi Dave
I was up at Grane from 8:40 to 4:15 and can add the following to your sightings
cheers Kevin