Sunday 17th September 2017 - Top of Clawthorpe Road (apex) Nr. Whinn Yeates, Hutton Roof 0645hrs to 0845hrs then Mike Taylors Fields, Vicarage Lane Burton 0900hrs to 0930hrs
Wind: N 7-12 mph, 10% Cloud, 7c, 1016 pressure. Very cold throughout - never really got going, what birds did come through more or less dried up from 0800hrs.
Meadow Pipit: 60 all SE (best parties:1x6,1x5, 3x4)
Chaffinch: 44 (26 E all others W) thats the out direction for birds here eg: E to W or W to E
Goldfinch: 49 (11 W, 38 S (best 30,10,8)
Linnet: 15 (7s,6s,1E,1E)
Swallow: 2 E (1E,1E)
Alba Wagtail: 3 SE (1,2)
Siskin: 1
Mistle Thrush: 3 SE
Pink Footed Goose: 1 small party audible only.
Others included: Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 1
Mike Taylors fields, Vicarage Lane, Burton In Kendal 0900hrs to 0930hrs.
Chaffinch: 15 (4 SE and the rest all W) (4, then 3x2 and 5x1)
Grey Wagtail: 1 (E)
Swallow: 6 S (5,1)
Goldfinch: 2 (1W 1E)
Meadow Pipit: 1 SE
Out this afternoon - doing fern (aculeatums) investigations so will check out the birds on or going over Holme Park Fell at the same time.