1 Buzzard
1 Peregrine seen twice eventually heading over Bolton Woods towards Waterfoot
2 Goldcrest w/ c5 Long-tailed Tits at Sunnyside Park
1 Kestrel
1 G.S.Woodpecker
2 Jay
4-5 Blackbirds - Cribden Clough
1m Bullfinch - Cribden Clough
Pr Dipper - Leabrook
Cribden Clough 10.00hrs
4 Mistle Thrush
c6 Blackbird
Pr Bullfinch + 2m later
Only odd Blue & Grt Tits and odd finches.
9 Redwing + c20 distant feeding amongst bushes on hawthorn and holly.
Just 5 Wood Pigeon
100 Jackdaw flew up the Limy valley at 15:00hrs then c50 flew S.
2 skeins of Pink-footed Goose over at 15:30 & 15;45 hrs approx.
1x c60
Both on same line coming from over Chapel Hill then over Cribden. More usually this is a spring time route as birds move back from the east coast.
Small groups of Starling moving W. at dusk 12+4+6
1 Cormorant flew off Twin Lodges up the Limy valley
Kestrel still hunting as dusk approached.