15:00 hrs
Flock of c60 Meadow Pipit on pasture - also heard redwing but not seen.
1 Pied Wagtail
1m Reed Bunting
2+1+1 Lapwing in paddocks.
1+3 Raven
c4 Skylark in song.
1 Swallow flew through N. at distance.
Clowbridge res.
1 G.C. Grebe
2 Cormorant
2m Reed Bunting
3pr Mallard
2+1 Canada Goose
Curlew calling from Nutshaw Hill - the only contact with species all afternoon.
Meadow Pipit - c20 feeding around waterline of res.
1 Bullfinch calling at Limy Lane.
1 Greenfinch singing at Limy Lane.