Dabchick, 1 in Jamestones,
Canada Goose, c8 pairs on the Moor Tops,
Mallard, pair near Heap Clough,
Buzzard, 2 singles over the moor,
Kestrel, 2 singles over the moor,
Red Grouse, pair on the moors,
Grey Partridge, calling bird above Troy,
Curlew, at least 3 pairs,
Lapwing, at least 3 pairs, plus around 12 over Grane Road when leaving,
Snipe, at least 4 displaying birds, good to see better numbers up here,
Oystercatcher, 1 in Jamestones,
L.B.B.Gull, c12 over,
B.H.Gull, 3 in summer plumage in Jamestones,
Stock Dove, 2 in Troy and 6 in Jamestones,
Skylark, c20, many in song,
Swallow, c10,
Sand Martin, 3,
House Martin, 1,
Meadow Pipit, c30,
Pied Wagtail, 2,
Wheatear, 3 above Clough Head and 3 above the quarries,
Mistle Thrush, pair at bottom of Heap Clough plus singing bird,
Song Thrush, 1 singing bird,
Willow Warbler, 2 in Heap Clough,
L.T.Tit, 1 in Heap Clough,
Coal Tit, c4 singing from Heap Clough,
Goldcrest, 3 singing in Heap Clough / Troy Clough,
Goldfinch, c6,
Chaffinch, c6,
Redpoll, 1 in Heap Clough,
Reed Bunting, 2 males.
David Nuttall.