A glorious day saw 3 teams of two taking place and a new record of 82 species was seen collectively throughout the day.
The results were as follows:
Team A (JH& KL). 74 species
Team B (RI & DN). 71 species
Team C (IB & PB). 68 species.
The highlights were as follows:
Grey Partridge, pair in rough pasture near Jack Lodge,
Dabchick, HTL,
Dunlin, 2 at Holden Wood Res,
Snipe, drumming bird,
Golden Plover, male in the cotton grass,
Cuckoo, bird flew over head at Grane,
Little Owl, on derelict factory,
L.E.O. 2 fledglings,
Kingfisher, 1 on Irwell,
Raven, several locations,
Sand Martin, good colony of c12 on The Irwell,
Whitethroat, 3 singing males,
Grasshopper Warbler, 1 reeling from fence in full view,
Garden Warbler, singing bird in Irwell Valley,
Nuthatch, many juvs now present in the woodlands,
Spotted Flycatcher, 1 in The Irwell Valley,
Whinchat, singing male,
Stonechat, family party plus male on moor top near Clowbridge,
Siskin, 2 in Grane,
Rossendale Birders.
Good summary David, nice pics and a reminder of long hot sunny gruelling day.