9.30 - 12noon with R Archer (Rob there from 6am-11) then later P Gorton then Geoff Marg" +1.
Adult, moulting out of SP, Black-tailed Godwit flew in early morning and was still present when I got there. It left to the north ( well into Rossendale airspace!! ) into the mist and murk but was back 10 mins later and was still present at 12 when I left.
Rob had 2 X 3rd summer Yellow-legged Gulls early on but they had departed before I got there.
Other birds present..
3 Dunlin, 5 Oyks, 3 LRP, c10 Lapwing, 8-10 C Sand, 1 Redshank, 1 Cormorant, 30 Goosander, 8 BH Gull, better numbers of big gulls coming and going. Lots of Pied Wagtails with good numbers being juvs.