After the rains of the weekend and the hot spell, this morning was 17 degrees, cloudy and calm. 0730 to 1130 hrs.
Species of note....
On the river which has now dropped back to summer level....
Two groups of juvenile Goosanders 13/17 in different locations.
Young Grey Heron.
Four Dipper...all adults.
Single juvinile Kingfisher.
Two young Moorhens
Three very attractive young Black-headed Gulls.
High numbers of well grown young Mallards who had a bad start in the spring.
Missing was any sign of Grey Wagtails.
In the woods...
Several young Great Spotted Woodpeckers.
Very High Numbers of Wrens, Robins and Blackbirds.
Only Two Mistle Thrush seen.
Two separate family parties of Blackcap.
Good numbers of Goldfinch and Chaffinch.
One pair of Bullfinch at usual site on cycle track, no sign of young.
Several Willow Warblers feeding especially on the White Poplars.
As usual good numbers of Nuthatch.
House sparrows have had an excellent breeding season.
Single Buzzard over Alderbottom.
Fresh Sparrowhawk kill (Blackbird) near Porritt lodge.
20/30 Swallow hawking over open land, one pair feeding 5 young in local stables.
Tawny Owl in usual day roost.
Good numbers of young Jays.
Jackdaws, Woodpigeons everywhere.