G.C.Grebe, 1 on remains of res at perhaps 20 feet below usual level!
Grey Heron, 2 on res shore,
Buzzard, family party,
Kestrel, male sat in tree,
Green Sandpiper, 1 flew down the valley towards Ogden and 1 feeding in a pool in res,
Curlew, 1 over calling,
Swift, 2 feeding high over res,
Green Woodpecker, 1 'yaffled' briefly,
Swallow, c20 feeding over dam bank,
House Martin, c20 feeding high over dam bank,
Pied Wagtail, c12 around the res,
Nuthatch, calling bird,
Coal Tit, 2 calling birds,
Goldcrest, 2 calling birds,
Starling, flock of c30,
David Nuttall.