For anybody who has an interest in Jackdaws there are now 1000+ roosting at Reedsholme from 17:30 hrs onwards. Most birds are coming in from the north.
Further to this, are Jackdaws still heading south through Ewood Bridge during the late afternoon to roost south of the valley?
Just before dusk most evenings from a vantage point above Irwell Vale you can watch the Jackdaws gather in the valley as they come down from the fields either side, they mass for a short time in the woods then in groups of around 30/50 they move south down the Irwell/M66 corridor and disappear towards Pilsworth/HeAton park area.
When I do a count it can reach 800/900 birds.
The dawn counts are different, they appear more spread out and scattered, in the last couple of weeks they have paired off and started to display and nest build on local roof tops.
Had a walk down to the sewage works yesterday evening and didn't see many flying down the valley - probably less than 100. As per Brian's post good numbers around the sewage works/ Irwell Vale 5.00 till 6.00 - could be flying down earlier (?).
Also very little sign of any going north in the mornings when I've been out early recently.