Clough Bottom
Greylag Geese ? 2 flew in stayed twenty minutes then flew off
Stonechat 1m
Meadow Pipit 3
Sky Lark 5
Curlew 4 in one group flying round
Common Sandpiper 1 pair
Reed Bunting 2 pair
Linnet 1 over
Rredpoll 3 over
Willow Warbler c10 calling
Wren several calling
Dunnock 2 pair
Pied Wagtail 3
Wood Pigeon 8
Magpie 3 falling out with Jackdaws
Carrion Crow 6
Chaffinch calling birds
Goldfinch calling birds
Blackbird 2 calling
c100 group Herring and L B B Gulls
peter and john