F.P. 6 Stonechat
4m Reed Bunting
2 Curlew calling from moorland
1 Oystercatcher
5 Canada Goose - no breeding birds this year.
4 B.H. Gull > S +2 on fields.+
1 Grasshopper warbler reeling
2 Blackcap in song
6+ Willow Warbler singing.
Pair Cucko chasing and calling with attendant Meadow Pipits.
Pr Stock Dove
Coal Tits calling at two sites
c100 Starling flighting through in small groups from Burnley area then back again 1hour later.
Lapwing to S. of res. at Hart Hill.
6m Mallard
1 Swallow
1 House Martin
1 Long-tailed Tit to S. of res.
Unusually no Redpoll seen or heard, plenty of Chaffinch, Skylark and thrush song.
No sign of Tree Pipit.