0730/1030 hrs overcast/ bright sun 18/21 degrees, calm.
Swallows....Good numbers over fields, young on wires.
Sand Martin.....20 plus including young.
Curlew...one over.
Carrion Crow.....30 plus with lots of young.
Stonechat....family party.
Meadow Pipit.....20 plus around.
Skylark...two pair at nest sites.
Goldfinch....Several small flocks feeding on new thistles.
Greenfinch....heard not seen.
Great/Blue Tit .....Several adults and young.
Willow Warbler.....at least six
Whitethroat....three, one in song.
Reed Bunting....only one Male seen
Grey Heron....one in marshy land
Dipper....two well fledged young.
Grey Wagtail.....one on brook
Pied Wagtail....one over.
Starling....flock of 30 plus in field.
Kestrel.....single on telegraph pole.
Regards Brian