Cormorant, 5 roosting in trees,
Grey Heron, 1 up the valley...then back down 5 minutes later!
Canada Goose, approx. 200 birds,
Mallard, c20,
Kestrel, 2 singles,
Oystercatcher, min 7 birds which were all high in the air over the res at one point,
Common Sandpiper, 2,
Dunlin, 1,
G.B.B.Gull, one flew in from Ogden, circuited the res, then back up the valley,
Common Gull, 2 singles up the valley,
B.H.Gull, c20 on res shore,
Stock Dove, 1 feeding on res shore,
Swift, 2 singles up the valley,
Swallow, c30 inc many juvs,
House Martin, 1 ,
Sand Martin, 2,
Grey Wagtail, 1,
Pied Wagtail, c12 inc many juvs,