14:00 - 17:30
G.C.Grebe, 1 on Calf Hey,
Cormorant, 4 in trees at Holden Wood and 3 on Ogden,
Grey Heron, 2 singles,
Canada Goose, 67 in fields near Ogden,
Mallard, c12,
Sparrowhawk, female in Heap Clough,
Kestrel, 2 singles,
Oystercatcher, 1 over Jamestones,
G.B.B.Gull, 2 on Ogden,
L.B.B.Gull, c12 west up the valley,
B.H.Gull, c12,
Stock Dove, flocks of 3 & 2x2 plus 2 singles,
Wood Pigeon, flock of 48 feeding in a field near Ogden,
Swift, 2 singles west up the valley,
Swallow, c60,
Sand Martin, c20 in Jamestones,
House Martin, 4 near Duke of Welly,
Pied Wagtail, c12 especially near Duke,
Dipper, 1 on stream at bottom of Heap Clough,
Stonechat, single juv near Ogden,
Redstart, 2, adult male with juv in Hawthorn trees and gorse,
Grasshopper Warbler, 1 flushed near the path I was walking on near Calf Hey,
Willow Warbler, 1 fresh juv,
L.T.Tit, family party,
Nuthatch, 2, with song, at Calf Hey,
Treecreeper, juv at Calf Hey,
Rook, 11 feeding near Duke,
Chaffinch, c4,
Goldfinch, c20 inc a charm of 8,
Greenfinch, single near Duke,
Bullfinch, calling bird in conifers at Calf Hey,
Siskin, 1 over Calf Hey, calling,
Linnet, flock of c60 near Duke.