Sparrowhawk, female being mobbed by a charm of c20 Goldfinch,
Kestrel, 3,
Pheasant, c12, probably recently released,
Moorhen, 2 on pond near Golf Club,
Snipe, 38 on Harden Moor,
B.H.Gull, c20,
Common Gull, 1 over,
Herring Gull, c200 over,
G.B.B.Gull, 1 over,
Stock Dove, flock of 8 on wire then dropped into field to feed,
G.S.Woodpecker, 1 near Sales's Farm,
Meadow Pipit, c8,
Grey Wagtail, 1,
Wren, c20, two in song!
Stonechat, male near Buckhurst,
Mistle Thrush, c6, one bird in song!
Song Thrush, 2 feeding on Hawthorn,
Redwing, c60,
Fieldfare, c30,
Blackbird, c20,
Coal Tit, 1 at Sales's Farm,
L.T.Tit, a flock of c15,
Goldcrest, 4 in large gorse bank near Buckhurst Farm and c6 in hedges,
Jay, 2 groups of 2,
House Sparrow, c20 at Sales's Farm,
Chaffinch, c12,
Goldfinch, charms of c20 & c12,
Greenfinch, flocks of 15 & 3,
Bullfinch, c12 in flocks to 3,
Siskin, flock of c6 near Butcher Acre Farm,
Reed Bunting, flock of c12 at Ridshaw.