Canada goose - 137 at Holden Wood, 34 at Ogden, 10 at Calf Hey, 4 at Troy & 2 at Hutch Bank
mallard - 14
goldeneye - 2 males & a female at Holden Wood & 1 male with 3 female types in the western end of Jamestone Quarry
goosander - 1pr on Calf Hey
oystercatcher - 1pr at Holden Wood & 13 at Ogden (definitely no duplication in numbers)
lapwing min 6 at Holden Wood
curlew - 1 called briefly from the hillside across Grane Road from Holden Wood
snipe - 1 at Ogden
woodcock - 1 in Troy Wood
buzzard - 1
moorhen - 3 at Holden Wood
coot - heard at Holden Wood
black-headed gull - 25 at Holden Wood & c6 others around the valley
common gull - 1 at Holden Wood
great black-backed gull - adult and juv at Ogden at different times
lesser black-backed gull - 2 over
skylark - 5
meadow pipit - just singles at Holden Wood, Ogden & Jamestone Quarry
pied wagtail - 3 at Ogden, 1 at Calf Hey, 1 at Jamestone Quarry & 2 at Hutch Bank
grey wagtail - 1pr at Holden Wood, 1pr at Ogden & 1 over Carrs Industrial Estate
woodpigeon - c70 around the valley, c60 of which were at Ogden
stock dove - 4 at Holden Wood, 1 at Ogden & 1 at Hutch Bank
mistle thrush - singing bird at Holden Wood & 1 at Calf Hey
song thrush - singing bird at Holden Wood & 1pr at Charles Lane Woodland in Haslingden
redwing - just 1 at Calf Hey
stonechat - 1pr above the western end of Jamestone Quarry
robin - 14
dipper - 1 flying across Holden Wood
nuthatch - 2prs in the woods & 1 singing at the car park at Calf Hey
wren - c12
dunnock - singing bird at Todd Hall Plantation
goldcrest - single singing birds at Calf Hey, Clough Head & Troy Wood
coal tit - c25, included a mating pair at Calf Hey
blue tit - just a couple at Todd Hall Plantation
great tit - c12
long-tailed tit - 1 at the feeders & 1pr on the track to Clough Head at Calf Hey & 3 at the feeding station at Calf Hey
magpie - c25, 17 of which were in 1 flock at Hutch Bank
jackdaw - 6 at Holden Wood
carrion crow - 4 at Holden Wood, 13 at Ogden, 10 on the hillside above Jamestone Quarry & 20 at Hutch Bank
chaffinch - flock of c50 in the woods at Calf Hey, with another c15 near the car park plus c10 others around the valley
brambling - min 8 in the woods ,near the old whisky house, with c50 chaffinches & 1 near the car park. There may have been more in the woods as the birds were not very confiding
greenfinch - flock of 4 at Carr's Industrial Estate & 1 wheezing at Charles Lane Woodland
linnet - 1 over Hutch Bank Quarry was my earliest ever returning bird
goldfinch - 2 at Holden Wood & 6 at Calf Hey
reed bunting - 4 males plus 3 other calling birds at Holden Wood & a singing male chasing another bird over Ogden