All day out in the garden with the following seen (or heard)!
Grey Heron, 2 over east together, 1 back west,
Buzzard, circling over the house headed over towards Chapel Hill,
Sparrowhawk, over 4 times with 3 sightings of a female and 1 of a male,
Kestrel, male over,
L.B.B.Gull, 6 over,
G.B.B.Gull, 1 over,
Wood Pigeon, c20 over,
Swallow, 1 over,
Wren, singing birds,
Dunnock, regularly flying in to nest in hedge,
Robin, singing birds,
Song Thrush, 1 just started singing 19:30!
Willow Warbler, 1 singing bird,
Chiffchaff, 1 singing bird,
Blackcap, 1 singing bird,
Coal Tit, singing birds,
Blue Tit, pair feeding in trees,
Great Tit, single feeding in trees,
L.T.Tit, single,
Raven, single bird over 4 times,
Carrion Crow, c6 over,
Jackdaw, pairs and groups of 4 over regularly,
Magpie, c4,
Starling, pair regularly back & forth houses to farmland,
House Sparrow, 1 regularly into nest in troughing,
Goldfinch, 3 over,
Greenfinch, 1 'wheezing',
Chaffinch, 2 singing,
Bullfinch, 4 sightings with min 3 birds.