Canada Goose, 10 on Clowbridge Res & 2 on Clough Bottom Res,
Red Kite, 1 over Clough Bottom Res heading towards Rawtenstall was only my 2nd Rossendale bird and the first for c25 years, (apologies for photo, best i could get!)
Kestrel, 2 over Nutshaw and 1 at Clough Bottom Res,
Moorhen, 1 in North Bay at Clowbridge,
Curlew, pair on Red Moss,
Oystercatcher, pair at Clowbridge,
Lapwing, 3 pair at Clowbridge with at least 3 juvs, 4 adults at Greenfold plus a single bird over Clough Bottom,
Common Sandpiper, single at Clough Bottom Res,
L.B.B.Gull, c20 on Clough Bottom plus c30 over,
B.H.Gull, c6 at Clowbridge,
Stock Dove, single near New Laithe plus a pair at Clough Bottom Res,
Swift, c30 inc 20 at Clowbridge,
G.S.Woodpecker, single at Clough Bottom Res,
Skylark, healthy population with c40 singing birds noted,
Swallow, c20,
House Martin, 3 over Balmers,
Meadow Pipit, c40,
Pied Wagtail, c12 inc a couple of juvs,
Grey Wagtail, single at Clough Bottom,
Stonechat, 2 family groups of 2 & 4,
Song Thrush, 2 singing birds,
Mistle Thrush, 2 pairs,
Willow Warbler, c6 singing birds at each res plus one singing from Compston's plantation,
Blackcap, single at Clowbridge and 2 singing at Clough Bottom,
Whitethroat, 4 singing birds at Clough Bottom,
Coal Tit, adults feeding chicks in nest at Clough Bottom plus 3 other birds,
Goldcrest, 2 singing birds at Clowbridge,
Rook, c20 feeding on pasture near Swallow Shore,
Jackdaw, c100 feeding on pasture with Rooks,
Starling, c400, inc many juvs, feeding at Greenfold plus c100 more at various locations,
Goldfinch, 4 at Clowbridge ,
Greenfinch, 1 at Clowbridge,
Chaffinch, c12, many in song,
Bullfinch, calling bird at Clough Bottom Res,
Linnet, pair at Clough Bottom Res,
Lesser Redpoll, c6 at Clough Bottom Res plus a single over Compston's,
Reed Bunting, c5 males plus a pair carrying food near Compston's.