0800/1030 hrs Damp overcast calm 14 degrees.
House Sparrow......9 in hedge at dam end.
Whitethroat.....family party in copse.
Reed Bunting.....several young and adults round the res.
Cormorant.....single only in roost.
Swallow and Sand Martin.....quite good numbers around.
Sparrowhawk......Male flew through and over to Ogden.
Meadow Pipit.....Good Numbers all round.
Goldfinch.....charms of 14/12/23 on thistles
Buzzard.....high and calling over Troy.
Oystercatcher.....5 in fields.
Canada Goose....250/300 in south shore field.
Mallard ..... female with 10 newly hatched young.
Willow Warbler.....at least 3 in trees at inlet end
Stonechat.....2 juveniles on metal fence.
Gulls....only a couple of Black-headed.
A calling bird in the reeds which never showed, I think it was a Coot.
Regards Brian.