G.C.Grebe, 1 on Calf Hey,
Cormorant, 2 in roost at Holden Wood and 2 on Ogden,
Canada Goose, 4 onto Holden Wood,
Buzzard, at least two soaring pairs plus many singles,
Peregrine, what looked like a juv male over,
Kestrel, c8,
Moorhen, 2 on Holden Wood,
G.B.B.Gull, 2 adults on Ogden,
L.B.B.Gull, c6 over,
B.H.Gull, c30 feeding in fields off Heap Clough,
Stock Dove, 1 in Jamesons,
Swallow, c30,
House Martin, c150 over the valley,
Meadow Pipit, c25,
Pied Wagtail, c4,
Grey Wagtail, 1 top end of Holden Wood,
Stonechat, family of 3 near dam wall of Ogden,
Mistle Thrush, single bird chattering from Hawthorn,
Chiffchaff, singing bird at Calf Hey,
Coal Tit, c12,
Goldcrest, c6,
Jay, 3 at Calf Hey & 4 near Duke of Welly,
Goldfinch, charm of c10 at Calf Hey,
Chaffinch, c12,
Greenfinch, flock of 4 at bottom of Heap Clough,
Bullfinch, 2 singles,
Crossbill, single at Clough Head.