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Post Info TOPIC: Rossendale Wildlife Thread 2024

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Rossendale Wildlife Thread 2024

Great start to the year with the first Slavonian Grebe I have seen in Rossendale.  I wonder if this is where the Rossendale birding year will peak?  It is now on Fishmoor Reservoir.   Having added Black Necked Grebe and Red Necked Grebe locally.  

Although the Red Necked Grebe was at Ashworth Moor Reservoir which isn't in Rossendale.


Snipe 1 at Holden Wood Reservoir on 19th January and 5 Teal at Mitchell's House Reservoir.


02/02/25 - 1 Golden Plover calling over Ogden heading North-ish,  lots of Siskin at Clough Head feeders - Paul Jackman counted approximately 140 - quite an experience,  approx 5-6 Kestrel around, 


The highlight of the visit being 2 Oystercatchers at Ogden Reservoir.  1 seen but 2 heard.  Spring is on the way.  Savour the last of the winter before it disappears.  



-- Edited by sarfraz on Monday 5th of February 2024 10:49:19 PM


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Forgot to add 4 singing Mistle Thrush, singing Dunnock and about 14 Lapwings over Grane from the 2nd of February - unusually a 3 wader day!

Paul Jackman has counted approx 460 Siskin at the Clough Head feeders - counts from photos of flocks.

09/02/24 - approx 5 Skylark over North - spring is on it's way! 3 duck species seen - Goosander, Mallard and Goldeneye.   At Grane of course.

-- Edited by sarfraz on Saturday 10th of February 2024 09:17:11 PM


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16/02/24 - Between 15-23 Oystercatchers at Ogden Reservoir and a handful of Skylark over, the usual suspects too


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21 February - 3 Curlew over Grane first of year for me.

8 March - singing Stonechat above Ogden

11 March - 2 Meadow Pipits displaying at Holden Wood

15 March - minimum of 12 Redwing calling over a 7 minute period heading North Haslingden


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Grane Reservoirs and Quarries today highlights:- 


24-26 at Oystercatchers at Ogden

3 Male Wheatears behind Jamestone East

3 singing Stonechat  - Ogden, border of Ogden Reservoir and Calf Hey Reservoir, Deep Clough

min 3 Brambling 

3 Skylark over Holden Wood Res and 3 just over Quarries

1 Lapwing dispalying over Jamestone West

lots of Siskin still at Clough Head probaby a min 100

5 Kestrel

Lots of Meadow Pipit displaying

Visit to sewage works after 4pm and 0 Sand Martins  



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Sunday 24 December - 1 Chiffchaff singing in trees near St Peters playing fields

Friday 29 December  - 30-32 Oystercatcher in field at Ogden Reservoir, min 2 Little Ringed Plover - (4 wader day) at Jamestones and 0 Wheatear seen!    Approx 40 Pied Wagtails at Ewood Bridge Sewage Works about 6pm 

Sunday 31 December - approx 60 Fieldfare heading East and the 65 approx Pink Footed Geese Kevin saw heading west flew over,  1-2 Sand Martins over Jamestones, min 2 Linnet over Jamestones, Chiffchaff at Clough Head centre, 1-2 Wheatears too at jamestone East.   Looke like an influx of Meadow Pipits too.   Plenty of Siskins at Clough Head feeders but much reduced, Brambling still there.  Mediterranean Gull photographed at Jamestone East.


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April 1 - 2 willow Warblers at Holden Wood - 1 near car park in sub-song and other at far side in full son.


April 5 - 2 Willow Warblers at Calf Hey and another at Crow Trees cottage, 2-4 Sand Martins at Jamestone West, 1 Dunlin over Jamestone West calling, 


April 10 - Holden Wood Reservoir - min 4 Willow Warblers, 8-12 Mallard, 1 Greylag, 1 Blackcap, 7 Oystercatchers heading over high North East, 1 Drake Teal, 2 Great Black Backed Gull immatures, min 3 Cormorants, Raven and Buzzard tussling and the former looking considerably larger


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Grane Reservoirs and Quarries today:-

min 10 Willow Warblers
3 Swallows
approx 10 Sand Martins around Jamestone West
Sedge Warbler in sub-song near tram track above Holden Wood Reservoir
Greylag still at Holden Wood
a few Linnet around Jamestones
1 female Wheatear at Jamestone East
6-10 Kestrels
6-10 Mistle Thrush


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14 April - Holden Wood Reservoir - 1 White Wagtail, 1 Mallard with 4 ducklings, min 8 Willow Warblers around the reservoir.  Male Blackbird collecting worms at Paytons Farm, Holcombe Road


17 April - Mallard with now 1 duckling although I was told 1 week ago  there were 6

19 April - walk around reservoir and quarries:-    min 10 Wheatear - 3 at Calf Hey Reservoir and at least 5 behind Jamestone East, 1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling behind Jamestone East, min 2 Common Sandpiper at Calf Hey Reservoir, 1 White Wagtail at Jamestone East, min 10 Sand Martins at Jamesone West, only a handful of Swallows present.  Mallard still with 1 duckling at Holden Wood Res.   4 adult / near adult Great Black Backed Gulls over Holden Wood Reservoir but weren't on any of the other reservoirs when I walked over that way.


14 April -  4 Ring Ouzel aboce Calf hey reservoir - 3 males and a female - seen by an observer who doesn't use the forum.  

-- Edited by sarfraz on Friday 19th of April 2024 11:16:38 PM

-- Edited by sarfraz on Saturday 20th of April 2024 10:52:07 AM

-- Edited by sarfraz on Saturday 20th of April 2024 11:14:20 PM


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24 April - 3 Wheatear and Drake Teal on Holden Wood Reservoir and  a Green Sandpiper on Ogden Reservoir 

26 April - 1 Redshank on Ogden Reservoir, approx 30 Wheatear around Grane all but 3 around the Quarries, 2 Ringed Plovere flying North/North West from Jamestone East, min 10 Swallows over Holden Wood Reservoir and  min 15 Sand Martins at Jamestone West,  

               1 Curlew Brookside Nurseries

28 April  - Duck with 1 duckling still at Holden Wood Reservoir,  lots of Hirundines at Holden Wood Res today - including my first 2 Rossendale House Martins of the year, min 20 Sand Martins and min 40 Swallows 

               First few House Martins over Haslingden today That I have seen and Starling feeding noisy chicks in guttering

               Ewood Bridge Sewage Works late afternoon -  on arrival - min 20 House Martins, 20 Swallows but Swallow numbers built up and I assume birds were feeding and moving on. At least 30 sand Martins arrived and they moved  on.  More Swallows and House Martins came - in total probably 30-40 House Martins and 100 Swallows approx 


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Common Sandpiper pairs at Holden Wood  Res, Ogden Res and Calf Hey Res.  

Grasshopper Warbler at Holden Wood Res, Calf Hey Res and Jamestone East this week but only Calf Hey bird has stayed on.  

Whitethroat - first of year for me at Holden Wood Res on 30 April and maybe 2 at Calf Hey Res today.   The Holden Wood bird seems to have moved on since.  

4 Tufted Duck on 30 Apri - 3 drakes and a duck.  

Drake Teal on and off at Holden Wood Res  

2 female Mallards seen one with 8 ducklings and another with 6 on Wednesday 1st May

May 1 - Cuckoo heard at Calf Hey Reservoir and probably at Ogden Res that day - but no sign since then.   


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Tuesday 7 May - 5-6 Swifts over Haslingden, my first of the year.  1 Whimbrel and min 10 Orange Tip butterflies at Holden Wood Res.  2-3 Cuckoos at Calf Hey - 1 Hepatic female and possibly 2 males with different calls but they never called at the same time.  1 Green Sandpiper at Ogden Res.  Min 4 Whitethroats at Grane - 2 each at Holden Wood Res and Calf Hey


Wednesday 8 May - 1 Redshank heard from Holden Wood Res at Ogden Res.


Friday 10 May - 1 Sedge Warbler at Holden Wood Res and a Whitethroat at Crow Trees Cottage - a new location for a singing bird.  1 Green Hairstreak butterfly above Ogden Res and  5 Great Black Backed Gulls  on Calf hey res.


Sunday 12 May - min 30 Canada Goslings and 1 female Mallard with maybe 8 ducklings till.  

-- Edited by sarfraz on Monday 13th of May 2024 10:09:42 PM


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BBS Stonefold  May 10 visit


Pied Wagtail  4

Lesser Black Backed Gull  3

Oystercatcher  1

Woodpigeon  7

Willow Warbler  5

Wren  8

Swallows  3

Goldfinch 2

Skylark  14

Blackbird   2

Dunnock  1

Pheasant 3

Jackdaw 9

Starling  56

Blackcap  1

Curlew 4

Reed Bunting 1

Meadow Pipit 13

Magpie 2

Redpoll 2

Lapwing 2   4

Carrion Crow  11

Chaffinch   3

Blue Tit  3

Swift  2

Great Tit  1

Long Tailed Tit 1

Black headed Gull  1

Snipe  2 min



12 May   Sedge Warbler at Hoden Wood res

18 June   min 20 Swifts over Haslingden

21 June  first Swallow families fledged  a week or 2 later than usual

22  June  first Black Headed Gull juveniles  at least 2 week later than usual



3 July BBS Visit  2 Stonefold


Swallow  4

Skylark 2

Crow 9

Buzzard 2

Linnet   52   min     flock of at least 50

Woodpigeon    10

Goldfinch  12

Jackdaw   7

Chaffinch 3

LB B Gull 13

Robin 1

Reed Bunting 2

Great Tit 1

Starling 34

Pheasant 1

Swift  1

Wren 3

Meadow Pipit 11

Blackbird 1

Pied Wagtail    1



12 July Mediterranean Gull   1 adult flying over Holden Wood west

17 July  60 Lapwing approx. and 2 Teals on Holden Wood

24 July 110 B H Gulls

29 July   approx. 30 Swifts in the air maybe more probably family parties

11 August   male Merlin above on hills around Calf Hey Reservoir

16 August  2 Fledged Wheatear at Deep Clough   and 3 Green Woodpeckers calling  1 at Holden Wood Res, 1 Ogden and 1 Calf Hey, 7 Raven at Deep Clough too

18 August    1 Oystercatcher and 1 Green Sandpiper at Holden Wood res

23 August   1 Grey partridge above HWR

29 August  1 Oystercatcher flying after 10pm over Sykeside Hotel

 30 August   1 Whinchat and 2 Grey Partridges just above Holden Wood


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1 Sept    1 Snipe over road just before Brookside Nurseries 


2nd Sept     min 2 Redstart and 10 Willow Warblers at Holden Wood Res

3rd Sept     5  Teal at Holden Wood Res


Six September visit Grane Musbury Heights Quarries


Holden wood


Robin  six

Dunnock 4

Reed Bunting 2

Crow 3

House Sparrow  min 10

Magpie  1

Pied wagtails   18    min 14 moving south

Woodpigeon 21

Goldfinch    41

Greenfinch   1

Meadow Pipit  min 50     heading south mainly

Cormorant   4

Jackdaw 2

Willow Warbler 1

Chiffchaff  1

Wren 4

Mallard 39

Grey Heron 1

Black Headed Gulls 5

Blackbird 1

Bullfinch 4

Song Thrush 2

Linnet 1

Swallow 19  in  3 parties moving south

Blue Tit min 2

Long Tailed Tit min 2

Great Tit min 1

Lapwing  1   w

Kestrel min 1

Jay  1

Merlin 1 probable




Great Black Backed Gull  4   2 adults and 2 juveniles present over a week

Cormorant 5

Grey Heron 1

Lesser Black Backed Gull 2

Coal Tit  2

Meadow Pipit min 20

Lapwing approx. 70

Common Gull 1

Skylark  1 over

Sparrowhawk  2 males 

Buzzard 1

Kestrel 1


Musbury Heights


House Martin 5 over south

Swallow  6 

Meadow Pipit min 40

Skylark 2

Wheatear 2

Stock Dove 1


Calf Hey Res


Robin  10

Wren 10

Meadow Pipit approx. 20

Nuthatch 4

Goldcrest   6

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1

Coal Tit 5

Blue Tit 2

Great Tit 3

Chaffinch  4

Great Crested Grebe 1

Magpie   3

Pied Wagtail  3

Siskin 1

Song Thrush 1

Grey Wagtail 1

Stonechat  1


Heap Clough and the Quarries


Magpie  3

Sand Martin  6   1 and party of five  0 at the colonies

Robin  approx. 10

Chaffinch min 10

Goldfinch min 20

Wren 4

Siskin min 10

Treecreeper  2

Jay 1

Blackbird  2

Song Thrush 1

Stock Dove 1

Linnet min 9

Pied Wagtail 2

Kestrel 3

Raven 3

Coal Tit 4

Swallow fifteen min

Blackcap 1

Chiffchaff 1

Bullfinch 2

Nuthatch 2

 Meadow Pipits approx 50


7 September   1 Redstart and 2 immature Whitethroat, 1 Willow Warbler min at Holden Wood Res

8 September  4 Teal, 1 Whinchat juvenile and min 1 Spotted Flycatcher at Holden Wood res

9 September  70 Lapwing at Holden Wood Res

11 September  34 Pink Footed Geese  West and 1 red Breasted Merganser non breeding adult drake type.    Pink Footed geese travelling over Haslingden at 9.30pm heard

12 September      Pink Footed Geese over Holden Wood heard but not seen  

-- Edited by sarfraz on Thursday 12th of September 2024 10:53:29 PM


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A walk around Grane and Quarries highlights:

Holden Wood Res highlights include min 20 maybe up to 40 Long Tailed Tits at the far end of res coming out on to the wires with Chiffchaff and blue Tit, 1 Whinchat too, min approx 17 Swallows probably 3 family parties, min 7 Chiffhcaff, min six Sand Martin heading west

Quarries highlights include min 12 Swallows, 1 female Wheatear above Jamestone West. 


Meadow Pipit numbers weren't particularly high and there seemed to be no sign of any moving birds


One bird missing from my Friday count last week was Mistle Thrush which have I have not sighted since July or even late june  around Grane.   Anyhow  2 were sighted near Holden Wood Car Park at on the 7th and 4 flew over today Saturday 14 Sept   from probably Mary's Wood towards Musbury   

-- Edited by sarfraz on Saturday 14th of September 2024 07:32:27 PM


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I forgot to add that an Osprey was seen over Ogden some days before the August Bank Holiday  over Ogden Res.



Today walk around Grane Reservoirs and the Quarries highlight being a Lesser Whitethroat in the little hedge that runs  from the dam wall at Holden Wood Res to Holcombe Road.  Also 2 Kingfishers at Calf Hey reservoir with 1  perching on rocks, poles and pipes near the shoreline  these are the first post breeding Kingfishers I have had at the reservoirs this year.  Usually they started  visiting from July.  about 4 Chiffchaff around and 0 Swallows and Martins seen today.

-- Edited by sarfraz on Friday 20th of September 2024 05:04:39 PM


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28 September  6 Swallows at Holden Wood Res

Sunday  29 September    2 Swallows over Holden Wood Res


Monday 30 September    2 Sand Martins over Holden Wood Res

Friday 4 October   4 Red Wings over Holden Wood.  min 1 Ring Ouzel,  approx 36 Pink Footed Geese flying west about  10am, min 10 Redwing and 10 Song Thrush, 2 Swallows at Calf hey Reservoir, Little Grebe   at Jamestone West.  20min linnets around reservoirs and quarries.  100 plus Meadow Pupits mainly at Calf Hey and Quarries  Im guessing some movement as  2 large flocks  flew off southwards.  


min 4 Red Admiral, 2 Speckled Wood and 3 Common Darters

-- Edited by sarfraz on Friday 4th of October 2024 11:20:03 PM

-- Edited by sarfraz on Saturday 5th of October 2024 09:38:32 AM


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Walk around Grane and Quarries today highlights:


1 Lapland Bunting calling and flying over calf Hey southwards but not too high so could be on the moors above   lifer and first seen.  No photos sadly.  

3 min Ring Ouzel ranging from the usual spot near the ruins at Ogden and West along the public path until the start of the woods at Calf hey Reservoir 

min 10 Linnets around the reservoirs and the quarries

min 1 6 Stonechat around 



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3 Ring Ouzel present today still above Ogden Reservoir.   Five Linnet as well min


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Friday 11  0ctober  a singing male Stonechat at Calf Hey Res

Thursday 17 October        about 100 Redwings calling over Haslingden after 8pm  probably  a small fraction of what was going over

Friday 18 October        1 Woodcock just above Holden Wood res and approx 100 Redwings over and at Grane  ,   0 Ring Ouzels


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10 0ctober     1 Brambling at Clough head Feeders

13 October       2 Brambling at the Clough Head Feeders

23 October  a Tree Sparrow seen and photographed at Clough Head Info Centre Feeding station

25  October   a female Merlin over the Raptorwatch point across to Ogden Reservoir , 2 Brambling, 1 Chiffchaff min 20 Greenfinches, 1 Scandinavian type Blackbird and 4 Great Spotted Woodpeckers at Clough Head, 18 Linnet at Jamestone Quarry area



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30 October  - 3 drake Wigeon and 1 drake Teal at Holden Wood all 4 in eclipse 


1 November  - 1 Kingfisher at Holden Wood Res


2 November - at least 1 Fieldfare in small flock of Redwings over Haslingden 


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The cold weather has pushes Thrushes to move on with only small handful of each species seen.


Robins are active and obvious but not in great numbers although 5-6 were at top end of Holden Wood alone.


A walk up to Musbury Heights to look for Snow Bunting resulted in min 6 Meadow Pipits, 2 Wren and some Goldfinch only.  However a surprise was a Great Egret on Ogden Reservoir.  

A 4 Duck day  min 40 Mallard, 7 Teal, Goosander pair and my first Goldeneye of autumn with 1 pair on Ogden 

2 Snipe and min 30 Lapwing Holden Wood.

6 Moorhen and 9 Bullfinch at Holden Wood too.


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On further inspection The Great Egret from last week was in fact a Little Egret which looked much bigger than the nearby Mallards.  


 Six Teal  on Monday 25  

Male Merlin today at Holden Wood Res just below the farm, 70 Plus Redwings  must be one of the better counts I have had so far this autumn , 3 Goldeneye on Ogden Res


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Min of 1 Snow Bunting over flying west at the start of where the stone path starts, Wet Moss.  2 wrens on tops too.  Except Corvid and Gulls nothing else seen if heard on tops 


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