2 weeks in Rhodes town Greece produced the following. All seen without any real effort
Scopoli's shearwater - up to 4 seen offshore in the first week most days
little egret - just a single
common sandpiper - 1
yellow-legged gull - common
Bonellli's eagle - 1
buzzard - 1 - 4 seen over several days
sparrowhawk - males seen on 3 dates
peregrine - 1
hobby - 1
swift - 11 over the town at dusk on 28/09
kingfisher - 1
yellow wagtail - flocks of 5 & 9
white wagtail - 2
feral pigeon - common
swallow - several passing through, including a flock of c20
crag martin - fairly common
chiffchaff - 1
Sardinian warbler - several heard
spotted flycatcher - c5
hooded crow - very common
raven - 1
house sparrow - very common
swallowtail - common
scarce swallowtail - fairly common
monarch - 1s & 2s at first, but became quite numerous before we left
painted lady - 4
small white - common
large white - scarce
Lang's short-tailed blue - very common
millet skipper - 1
mallow skipper - 1
hummingbird hawkmoth - 2
crimson speckled (footman) - c6, appeared to be just emerging before we left, either that or I had only just started noticing them after Maxine pointed 11 out to me
red-veined darter - very common, despite a distinct lack of standing water
pelasgian rock lizard - common
starred agama (aka roughtail rock agama) - fairly common
not much of a fish fan, but several common garfish in the harbour were new to me